Best Veg Chowmein recipe | Chow mein recipe

Veg Chowmein recipe comes under the veg category. Chow mein recipe is a very popular recipe. ‘Chow’ means stir-fried and ‘mein’ means noodles. This is prepared from noodles. In this recipe, noodles are tossed with sauce which is prepared from different types of sauces and seasonings. 

What is chow mein?

In simple language, Chow mein is nothing but stir-fried noodles which are tossed with no of sauces like chili sauce, tomato sauce, soya sauce with lots of vegetables or non-veg like chicken, mutton, egg, and prawn.

Chowmein recipe

What is veg chowmein ?

Here I am sharing the  veg Chow mein recipe but  I am giving some idea about all types of chow mein. Later I will share details of recipes for each category in a separate post.

Veg Chowmein recipe is very easy to preparation only noodles are tossed with different types of sauces but from time to time like other recipes different versions come in chow mein.

There are mainly two categories in Chow mein.
1. Veg chow mein  2.Non-veg chow mein
Veg Chowmein Recipe

In the veg, category chowmein is prepared with different types of vegetables like carrot, cabbage, capsicum, spring onion, and different types of bell pepper-like red, yellow, green, etc.

Paneer can be added to veg chowmein to enhance protein power. Soya tofu is also another alternative to paneer. So you can use soya tofu in veg chowmein.

 If you want you can prepare Chowmein also without any vegetables.

Non-veg Chowmein Recipe

In the non-veg category, many types of chowmein recipe are available these are

1. Prawn chowmein

2. Chicken chowmein

3. Mutton chowmein

4. Egg chowmein

In Prawn chowmein fried prawns are the main key ingredients. Another important thing is to choose the best quality of prawn for this recipe.

In chicken chowmein, you use very small pieces of chicken breast because small pieces are easily cooked in comparison to large pieces. You can also add lots of different types of vegetables which are available in your home.

Like chicken, you can prepare mutton chowmein. In mutton, Chowmein uses boneless mutton small pieces for the best results.


In egg chowmein, you have to prepare an egg omelet and then cut this omelet into small pieces and add these pieces into chowmein. If you wish you can also add an egg bhurgi into chaw mein.

How to prepare veg chowmein Recipe

Chowmein preparation is not a big thing. If you have some idea in cooking you can easily prepare chowmein but you have to know the proper procedure to make chow mein with some tips and tricks.
Actually, if you analyze in chowmein preparation two steps, one is noodle preparation and sauce preparation. Then we have to mix noodles with sauces along with some seasonings.
 If you are vegetarian you can use lots of different types of vegetables which you like. You can choose carrots, spring onions different types of bell pepper. If you wish you can add small pieces of mushroom.
If you belong to the nonveg category to enhance protein power you can prepare chicken, mutton, or egg chowmein. In the case of mutton, chicken you have to marinate chicken or mutton very well. You can use different types of seasonings, sauces to marinate. Meat should boneless and small in pieces.
Here, I am going to share the veg Chowmein recipe in detail step by step.

Ingredients for veg chowmein Recipe

Noodles ————————-250gms

Onions(Julianne’s)————–2 no

Garlic(chopped)—————–6-7 cloves

Ginger(chopped)—————-1 tbsp

Green chili (chopped)———-1 tbsp

Soya sauce———————–2 tbsp

Tomato sauce——————–3 tbsp

Chilli sauce———————- 1 tbsp

Black pepper pwd—————1 tsp

Vinegar—————————1 tbsp

Vegetables Julianne’s (carrot, cabbage,

spring onions, capsicum)——-2cups

Sesame oil————————1/2 tsp

Refine Oil for cook

Salt according to your taste




Generally, chow mein is preparing in two-stage one is noodles preparation and the other is sauce preparation. So, you prepare noodles first then sauce, but before preparing noodles, you finished cutting your vegetables. Cut each vegetable in Julianne’s. You can add amount and variety of veggies according to your choice. You can add more vegetables which are your favorite. If you don’t want to add any vegetables then you can skip vegetables in this recipe.

Noodle preparation for veg chowmein 

  • Put a pan or depth kadai on the gas.
  • Add plenty of water into the kadai.
  • Then add one tablespoon of oil into the water.
  • Wait for the water to come to boiling point.
  • When water boil then adds noodles into the hot water.
  • Add salt into the noodles.
  • Let noodles boil for 3  to 4  minutes. 
  • When noodles are separate from each other and easily cut in your fingers then switch off the gas.
  • Don’t overcook otherwise your chow mein becomes a very sticky type.
  • Now transfer all noodles into a strainer to strain all water.
  • Wash noodles 2 to 3 times in tap water to remove starch from noodles and it will also break overcooking procedure.
  • Now transfer all noodles to a plate.
  • Now add 1 tbsp of oil into noodles and mix with your hand properly.
  • keep these noodles aside.

Sauce Preparation for chow mein

  • Put a kadai on the gas on high flame.
  • Add  2 tbsp of oil into the kadai.
  • When oil becomes heat add onion Julianne’s into oil cook for 1 minute.
  • Add green chilies into the onion.
    Chowmein Recipe
  • Then add zinger chopped and garlic chopped and saute for 30 seconds.
  • Add Chowmein masala pwd into the pan.
  • Now add red chili sauce, tomato sauce and mix very well.
  • Then add soya sauce into the kadai and saute for 1 minute.
    Chowmein Recipe
  • Add 1/2 cup water and let the sauce boil.
  • When the water boils all ingredients are well mixed and become a liquid sauce.
  • Add one tbsp of vinegar into this sauce. 
    Chowmein Recipe
  • When consistency becomes like a sauce then add all the noodles into the sauce.
  • Now add 1 teaspoon of black pepper powder.
  • Add salt according to your taste. Always keep in mind that we already cooked noodles with salt so add salt a little bit less than required.
  • Then mix all noodles in sauce properly.
  •               Chowmein Recipe
  • Cooked for 1-2 min in low flame to the mixed flavor of the sauce with noodles.
  • At last, add 1/2 tsp of sesame oil(optional) over the noodles to get proper chow mein flavor like restaurant type and it also gives a glaze to chowmein. If you don’t like the flavor of sesame oil then skip this step.
  • Then switch off the gas. 
  • Transfer all Chowmein into a plate.    
  • chowmein recipe


  • Now chowmein is ready to serve.
  • veg chowmein recipe


  • Don’t overcook noodles as a result your chow mein becomes a very sticky type of chowmein.
  • Wash noodles 2 to 3 times to remove starch.
  • Add oil at the time of noodles boiling and after washing to get perfect noodles. 

How to prepare best veg chowmein

To prepare the best chowmein you have to remember few points in your mind. To get separated, nonstick noodles don’t over-cook noodles. After boil wash noodles 2 to 3 times in tap water to remove excess starch and another aim to break down the cooking procedure then add oil immediately to get perfect silky noodles.

You can add paneer or tofu in veg chowmein to enhance protein percentage. If you are a nonvegetarian you can prepare any type of chowmein like chicken, mutton, prawn, or egg for more protein.
You can add 1/4 tsp sesame oil over the chowmein that gives a complete flavor. Don’t add too much oil otherwise more oil makes chowmein a very strong flavor of sesame oil.
Here, I try to share the Chowmein recipe. If you have any questions about the chowmein recipe you can ask me in the comment section, I will try to answer.
Always I am sharing different recipes. You can also try my other useful recipes.


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