jalebi Recipe

Jalebi’s recipe comes under the sweet category. Other name of Jalebi is jilapi, zulbia, zalabia. The taste of jalebi is crunchy, sweet, a little bit sour with juicy sugar syrup.
Jalebi Recipe


This sweet is prepared from a mixture of all-purpose flour, water, and baking powder with some flavoring agents like cardamom pwd, rose water, saffron, etc.
The shape of the jalebi is very beautiful and also interesting. These jalebis are round in shape and look like circles are arranged one above another. The procedure of jalebi making is very interesting.

Jalebi is prepared in all festivals like Diwali, Dussera, Janmashtami, Holi, and in celebrations like birthday parties, wedding parties, etc.
This jalebi also used as prasad in puja and some are love to eat in thali as a desert. Sometimes there is no reason only jalebi attracted to sweet lovers to eat for its delicious taste.
In Gujarat people are love to eat jalebi with fafda, In some regions, jalebi is eaten with poha at that time some are love to eat with curd and some are with milk. From above, it is clear that jalebi is a favorite all over India, but serving is different from place to place.
Jalebi is my all-time favorite recipe. I love jalebi since my childhood. The combination of sweet and sour is really giving a very good taste.

In my childhood, I was going to my village to most of the festival. Dolapurnima was one of them. This is a big festival of Odisha. In this festival statue of god comes to each house in a Dola which is carried by four people. I saw in my house my grandma offered prasad to god ahead of Dola. That prasad was contained different types of fruits, sweets, khai, etc. Among all these prasad one was my favorite prasad that was Tabaka. The taste of Tabaka is almost like jalebi but different in shape from that days I love to eat jalebi.

You have to prepare a jalebi by starting from one very small circle then make another circle over it without ending the previous circle. then you will make no of circle one above another. The no of circles always depends on your size of jalebi. If you want a large size you make more no of the circle and if you would like a little jalebi then make less no of a circle.

How to Prepare Jalebi Recipe

Jalebi is made from a batter that contains all-purpose flour, water, baking powder. For easy procedure first, prepare the batter then you have to prepare sugar syrup. When sugar syrup prepared then make jalebis and keep this jalebi in sugar syrup for 2-3 minutes.

How to Prepare Jalebi  Batter

Jalebi batter can be prepared in two methods. In One method we have to prepare before 24 hours of jalebi making. If you want Instant jalebi then you can prepare instant fermented batter using yogurt only in 20 min.

Method 1

In this method take a bowl to add all-purpose flour and water to make a thick paste. For a better result of fermentation, you have to follow a rule i.e you have to mix with your hand in a clockwise direction. Then cover this batter and keep it in a corner of the kitchen where the temp is high for 24 hours

Method 2

In this method take a bowl to add all-purpose flour, water, and curd to make a thick paste. In this method no rule regulation to follow you have to only fix this ingredient and make a thick paste Then cover this batter and keep it for 20 minutes.

Ingredients for sugar syrup

Cardamom pwd———-1tsp

Ingredients for jalebi

All-purpose flour—————1cup
Baking powder—————–1tsp
Yogurt—————————-1/4 cup
Orange Food color———–1pinch
Saffron flakes(optional)—–4to 5 no


  • Syrup Preparation
  • Jalebi Preparation

Syrup preparation

  1. Switch on the gas.
  2. Put a thick saucepan on the gas.
  3. Add two cups of sugar into a pan.
  4. Add two cups of water over the sugar.
  5. Now stair sugar and water.
  6. Turn the gas into a high flame to melt the sugar.
  7.  When sugar melts turns the gas into a medium flame.
  8. Add two tablespoons of milk into sugar syrup to remove impurities.
  9. After few minutes white-like substances are floated on the top of sugar syrup. Remove these substances actually these are impurities.
  10. Now add two-quarters of a lemon into sugar syrup to prevent crystallization.
  11. Now add two to three Cardamom crushed or Cardamom powder.
  12. If you have saffron you can add few flakes of saffron. This is optional if you haven’t checked the syrup no need to boil more time.
  13. Take one drop of syrup between two fingertips if feel like gum then your syrup is ready. Don’t wait for the thread.
  14. Now switch off the gas.

Jalebi Preparation

  1. Take a bowl and add one cup of all-purpose flour and add one cup of water mix very well with your hand in one direction till air bubbles come.
  2. If you don’t want instant jalebi you cover the batter and store it in a corner where the temp is high for fermentation till 24 hours then after 24 hours, you can prepare jalebi. No need to adding yogurt because sourness comes naturally in this type of fermentation then follow step 4.
  3. If you want instant jalebi then no need to store it. You add yogurt to get a sour taste.
  4. Now add two pinches of baking soda and one pinch of turmeric powder for color then mix well like a batter.
  5.  The batter should not very thin or very thick consistency.
  6. If you feel your batter is very thick then add some water and if you think the batter is very thin then add some flour again to get the right consistency.
  7. Now mix very well with a help of a spoon or with your hand.
  8. Now you can fill in an empty sauce bottle. If you haven’t any sauce bottle you can use small size mineral water bottle but you have to make a hole in the cap of a water bottle. Another option is a milk wrapper you can cut one edge of a milk wrapper and put it over an empty glass now fill the batter on the cover and make a cone-like a Mehendi cone and cut the tip of the cone to make jalebi.
  9. Now put a frying pan or Kadai into the gas in medium flame.
  10. Oil should be lukewarm.
  11. Now make jalebi in the oil. Make a small circle then make another circle over small make no circles one above another without ending previous like a spiral. Fry both sides of the jalebi.
  12. When jalebi is fried take out from the oil and deep on the warm sugar syrup immediately in the hot condition of jalebi.
  13. You have to deep with a help of a spoon for few minutes then take out from sugar syrup.
  14. You can serve these hot jalebi to your family and enjoy.

How to serve jalebi

Jalebi has a good position in traditional sweets. So the serving style of jalebi is also very special.
 All corners of people are serving this jalebi in different styles.

Jalebi is a sweet recipe and it is popular for its taste. We love jalebi from our childhood to old age.

If you have any problems making this Jalebi recipe. You can leave your queries in the comment box then I will get back to you. Always I am sharing other recipes. You can try my other useful recipes.


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