Healthy Jeera rice recipe |No.1 Jeera rice


Jeera rice is a delicious rice recipe in the rice category. Jeera means cumin. In this recipe, rice is tempered with jeera and a few other ingredients. This jeera rice recipe belongs to the main course of the rice recipe. This rice is aromatic in flavor. The looks of this rice are very eye-catching due to white rice with brown color jeera over it. So, this is looking very beautiful at the time of serving.


Jeera rice recipe

This jeera rice recipe is white in color and soft in taste with crunchy jeera. The flavor of jeera comes from each spoon of rice.

You can serve this jeera rice at lunch and also at dinner. You can serve this with chili potato, chili gobi, dal fry, etc.

If you are a non veg lover then you have to choose some alternative side dish for this rice. In non-veg, you can serve this rice with chicken curry, chicken gravy, prawn curry, chili chicken, etc with rice.

Many people don’t like to eat plain rice regularly they want something different to eat. This jeera rice is best for them. You can include this recipe in the main course of the rice category. 


Jeera rice is easy to prepare and tasty to eat. This is a time-saving recipe. You can prepare this rice very quickly. If you have already cooked rice then you need only a few minutes to prepare this rice.

From all types of white rice, you can prepare this jeera rice. You also prepare this recipe from normal rice which are we used in our daily life.

You need a few ingredients to prepare this recipe.

 Method Of Preparation

Jeera rice recipes are two types based on the method of preparation.

  1. Pre temper method
  2. Post temper method


    1. Pre Temper method 

    In this method, we first make a temper with desi ghee, cumin whole, cinnamon, black cardamom, and bay leaf then add pre-soaked raw white rice and fry for 2-3 minutes. Add salt as per your taste then add double the amount of water and cook till rice becomes soft.

    2. Post Temper method

         This method is always followed by restaurants. In this method, you cook the rice first then give a temper with cumin, cinnamon, bay leaf, and cardamom and saute very well.

Here I am sharing the first one but simultaneously I instruct you also how to prepare post-temper type jeera rice. You can choose which is easy for you.


Raw rice —————–1 and 1/2cups
Cumin(whole) ———-2tbsp
Cinnamon—————1 piece

Bay leaf——————2 no

Black cardamom——2 no

Red chilies ————-2 no
Desi ghee ————–2tbsp
Salt  as per your taste


Rice may be basmati or sona masuri. If you have any other variety of rice then no problem you can prepare this jeera rice recipe from all types of white rice.

  • Take one cup of white rice. 
  • Wash two to three times properly.
  • Add 1 glass of water and rest for 10 minutes.
  • After 10 minutes drain out the water and wash once again. 

Pre temper method for jeera rice

  • Put a pan on the gas.
  • When the pan becomes heated. Then add two tbsp of desi ghee to the pan.
  • Now add cinnamon, black cardamom, and bay leaf, red chilies into the ghee.
  •  Then add all the jeera in the pan then immediately a splatter sound comes from the jeera.
  • Then turn the gas flame to low because Jeera becomes black in high flame.
  1. Now add  washed raw rice on the jeera and saute very well it
  3. Fry for 2 minutes.

Then add 3 cups of water(double of rice).

Jeera rice recipe
  1. When rice is boiled you turn the gas flame to medium cover the pan 80% and cook for 7-8 minutes.
  • Then after 8 minutes open the cover and check the rice. It is not fully cooked and still little amount of water present so, stir again. and cover the pan full, and turn the flame to low.
  • After 8 minutes check again now there is no water and the rice is cooked at 90%. If you want more soft rice than this stage switch off the flame and cover the pan for another 10 minutes.
  • After 10 minutes open the cover to see if the rice is fully cooked.
  • Jeera rice recipe
  •  Now jeera rice is complete you can serve it on a plate.
  • Jeera rice recipe

Post temper method for jeera rice recipe

In this procedure, you have to prepare rice and then give a temper.

 How To Make Rice For Jeera Rice Recipe
  • Turn the gas on.
  • Put a thick base pot on the gas.
  • Then add 2 cups of water to the pot and let it boil.
  • Then add salt (less than taste) to the rice. 
  • Then add washed rice into boil water.
  • Then cover the pot with a lid till a boil comes.
  • After one boil turn the gas flame to medium and cover 80% with a lid.
  • After 8 minutes check the rice it will not cook properly and still, some water is present in the pan.
  • Then cover the pan and turn the gas into a low flame.
  • After 8 minutes check single rice. If it will press easily between two fingertips then you confirm that rice is cooked.
  • If you want more soft rice then switch off the gas and keep the rice at rest for 10 minutes and it should cover properly.
  • Now rice is cooked completely.
  • Now spread all the rice on a plate to avoid overcooking. 

Procedure for Jeera Rice Recipe

  • Put a pan on the gas.
  • Then add two tbsp desi ghee to the gas.
  • When ghee becomes heated then add all the jeera to the pan immediately a splatter sound comes from the jeera.
  • Then turn the gas flame to low because Jeera becomes black in high flame.
  • Now add cinnamon, black cardamom and bay leaf, red chilies into the ghee.
  • Add cooked rice here and saute very well.
  • Now add one pinch of salt or as per your test on the jeera rice. (keep your mind salt is already in rice)
  • Saute again to mix salt properly.
  • Now Jeera Rice is complete.

How to make the best rice for jeera rice

Rice is the main ingredient in the  jeera rice recipe. You can make the best rice by following these few tips and tricks. 
  • You choose aged rice for this recipe.
  • Don’t overcook the rice.
  • When rice is cooked completely transfer all the rice to the plate and spread it on the plate.
  • Add 1 tbsp of desi ghee over the rice to get separated rice or you can mix 1/2 lemon juice on the rice when cooking.

Queries Solved About Jeera Rice

Q. Why did my jeera rice become sticky?  

Ans:- Jeera rice becomes sticky when you overcook the rice. Another cause of sticky rice is adding more amount of water compared to the requirement. 
So, I am suggesting that if you are a beginner then keep a little amount of warm water extra on the side. Add a proper amount of water into the rice if required then add this warm water into the rice. 

Q. If we don’t want to add desi ghee to the rice then what is the substitute?

Ans:- If we don’t want to add ghee in the whole procedure of cooking then you can use oil at the time of jeera tempering
 If you don’t want to add desi ghee at the time of rice preparation then you can add 1 tbsp lemon juice at the time of rice making. This lemon makes your rice separated rice.

Q. Why a strong burning flavor come from my jeera rice recipe?

Ans:- This is happening due to the wrong procedure of temper. At the time of tempering when ghee heat properly then add jeera.  Jeera should splatter properly then turn the gas into low flame otherwise your jeera becomes black which gives a burning flavor. Jeera should be brown in color and crunchy in taste among rice grains. You should be careful at the time of tempering.

Q. Can I avoid cinnamon from this Jeera rice recipe?

Ans:- Yes, if you don’t want then you can remove cinnamon from the ingredients.

This recipe contains fewer ingredients so you can prepare another experimental recipe from this rice. If you add some veggies and spices to this rice then it becomes veg pulao.  Which is a very easy and time-saving recipe.

If you want to make variations in nonveg then you can use chicken, prawn, or egg and add some spices to get a new recipe from this Jeera rice recipe.


In this post, I will try to share the jeera rice recipe. If you have any questions about this recipe then send me your queries in the comment box then I will try to solve your problems.






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