9 Yummy Toast Recipes For Your BreakFast

1. Avocado Toast   

Ingredients: Toasted bread, ripe avocado, lemon juice, salt, pepper, Chilli flakes   Instructions: Mix Mash avocado, lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Spread it on the toasted bread and sprinkle chilli flakes . Serve it.

2. Caprese Toast 

Ingredients: Toasted bread, fresh mozzarella cheese, tomato slices, fresh basil leaves, salt, pepper. Instructions: Layer sliced mozzarella, tomato slices, and basil leaves on the toast season with salt and pepper.

Ingredients: Toasted bread, peanut butter, ripe banana, chia seeds (optional), honey(optional). Instructions:  Spread peanut butter on the toast. Slice the banana and arrange the slices on top. Garnish with honey and sprinkle chia seeds if desired.

3.Peanut Butter Banana Toast

Ingredients: Toasted bread, chocolate syrup or nutella, strawberry.  procedureSpread Nutella on the toasted bread. Top with fresh sliced strawberries.

4. Choco Strawberry Toast

5. Chili cheese Toast   

Ingredients: Toasted bread, grated cheese, finely chopped green chilli. Procedure: Mix green chili and cheese. Spread a generous amount top of a bread. Bake for 8-10 minute or until cheese has melted and turn golden brown.

Ingredients: 2 slices of toasted bread,2 eggs, salt and black pepper. Instructions: Pour eggs on the bread. Sprinkle salt and pepper . Flif the bread slices and cook until eggs are cooked.  Sprinkle grated cheese on top of the hot eggs tops with tomato and onion slices.

6. Egg  Toast

7. ChocolateToast   

Ingredients: Toasted bread, chocolate syrup or Nutella, chopped nuts(optional). Instructions: Spread chocolate syrup or Nutella on the toasted bread slices and sprinkle chopped nuts(optional) . Serve it.

8. Paneer Toast   

Ingredients: Bread, butter, paneer, salt and chili flakes. Instructions: Spread butter  on the bread slices. spread grated paneer over the bread then sprinkle salt and chili flakes and cook it in low flame  for 5-7 minutes then serve with chopped tomato and onions over the paneer.  

9. Garlic Cheese Toast   

Ingredients: Bread, butter, cheese, chopped garlic, salt and chilli flakes. Instructions: Mix butter and garlic then spread butter  on the bread slices. roast it then spread grated cheese over the bread then sprinkle salt and chili flakes and cook it in low flame  for 5-7 minutes or until cheese melt. serve this hot toast.